Support Policy

Q.1 To Whom We Offer Support?

We offer support to all of our users. For free themes, which are available on, support is provided through forums only. For Pro themes, support is provided through our support desk ( ) which is accessible to our clients once they are logged in to their dashboard.

Q.2 : How long the support is offered to PRO theme buyers?

To our PRO themes, support is offered for 1 year from date of purchase. Support and Updates for next years can be renewed after 1 year with approx 50% of the product price.

Q.3 : What is covered in the support?

We cover theme bugs, issues with the theme installations etc in the support along with feature suggestions for next releases.

Q.4 : What isn't covered in the support?

Theme Customizations, Theme Setup, problems with 3rd party API & plugins etc. are not covered in the support.

Q.5 : Typical response times and availability

Our support timings are 10AM to 6PM IST (GMT+5:30)

Q: 6 : What are the avenues available for support?

You can contact us here using support desks, contact form or in any emergency drop an email to support [at]